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Juniors Package By Eagles Eye Sacco

This is a saving product intended to plan for your children’s education.

This is intended for young families for weddings, dowry, and maternity.

This is intended to help our members during their sunset years. 

Also known as Christmas Package. An annual saving scheme with full refunds

Would you like to talk to us?

Please feel free to contact us. We’re super happy to talk to you. Feel free to ask anything.

Loan Services

There are three main categories of development loans

There are two main categories of education loans

There are two main categories of emergency loans

There are two main categories of business loans

About Us

The idea of starting this Sacco was mooted in 1988, by the workers of the then African Christian Church of East Africa (ACCEA) Thika Branch and its associated projects, which included a Vocational Training College and a community development project.

Loan Application Form

Loan Application Form

Enter your details to apply for a loan.